Friday, October 24, 2008

Sushi King Bonanza 2008!

Yesterday me, dear, steve, kheng and 'my boss kelvin' went to sushi King at the spring to eat sushi...hehe..Sushi King Bonanza starts from 20th till 23 rd of this month, i went twice...which is the frist day nthe last day...for both days we have to queue up in a long queue and it took us more than 45 min to get into Sushi King. when we were queing there, we were all very hungry so my hero mousie went to sugarbun n bought some fries to feed our poor empty stomatch.thanks mousie..muacks..
when we were queing...i still sempat to snap a photo of me n mousie..but mousie buzz playing his phone..hmmm...below is little mousie eating fries and stevie posing holding on sugarbun Cut3.haha
finally..after 45 our turn to feast on SUSHI!!!! yeah!!yummy..~

when our food came..we found out tat the quality of the sushi has drop...the rice is not sticky enough..n the sushi is not as tasty as the first day..we were quite disappointed lo..below is steve..posing for the camera.On the when he start to eat..on the right is when he finish ...yup...he did finish tat much..he is a "big eater!!" and below is my ex boss kelvin from klafter 20 min..all our engine are getting slow and stopping...cos we r all full dy...even our 'long leg kheng ' hands up and surrender..hehe..peace from mousie!!
we finish round 8:30...and the result is...we manage to eat 39 plates...we fail to beat our first day record...which is 51 plates..haha..look forward for next year SUSHI KING BONANZA...hehe


Anonymous said...

hahaha!! so cute!!!!!!!!!!

Steve said...

hmmm from the pic still didn't look shockingly much lei...

fabiolakcy said... next bonanza pics will be much shocking lo..